As The Crow Flies
Family can show up in different species, too.
My crow family (I refer to them as my cousins) are getting ready for spring by building nests in the backyard trees in preparation for the next gen. They return to the same location every year.
Did you know that crows are among the smartest animals in the world? Their intelligence is similar to that of chimpanzees. A crow’s brain accounts for almost two percent of its body mass, similar to that of humans.
I talk to them all the time and it seems as if they accept me and don’t even blink an eye when we’re together in the garden, and have brought me many shiny gifts throughout the years.
This crow cousin was gathering twigs and grasses for her nest. If you look closely, you’ll see she likes pine needles, too.
Nest construction begins in early March and will continue through about June. It takes one to two weeks to finish a nest after which the female will lay a clutch of two to six eggs.
Crow nests are made mostly of pencil-width twigs. A new nest is usually about 1.5 feet across and 8–10 inches deep. After the bulk of construction is complete, they’ll line the cup of the nest with soft materials like grass, tree bark, moss, flowers, paper, or fur.
Both partners participate in nest construction. Helpers might aid to some degree but most of the work is left to the parents.
I help too, and gave them the fringe I cut off a pillow that I planned to recover in a different fabric.
It’s raining today, unexpectedly, because all that was forecasted was some light drizzle, and now everything is wet. I hope my crow cousin’s nest is somewhere warm and dry. I’m going to look for more nesting material they might like to use because it makes me happy to think I’m kinda sorta like THEIR family, too.
(All photo credit to Enchanted Seashells.)