The Process of Abscission
Leaf Loss / Bare Bones / Blue Sky
This ash tree started out in 1985 in a five-gallon pot as a housewarming gift. As soon as the leaves begin to drop–in just a day or two– the branches will become bare and I’ll have a LOT of raking to do.
Abscission is the reason why leaves fall. Scientists believe that a reduction in sunlight leads to the reduction of chlorophyll in the leaf due to a reduction in photosynthesis and this may trigger the abscission of leaves. The actual process occurs when the weaker cells near the petiole are pushed off by the stronger cells beneath them.
I’m sure there’s an analogy or parallel to my LIFE but I’ve had a tough week and I’m tired of thinking and not able to direct my brain to untangle the profundities because right now all I want to do is quietly savor the stark, elegantly naked branches.
It reminds me of my little vase of twigs and another example of ma. (
As pretty as it is all dressed in green, the artistry of bare bone branches are stunning in their strength of simplicity,
I see the graceful arms of a dancer against a backdrop of the bluest sky of the year.
- – Coco Chanel: “Simplicity is the final achievement.Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.” …
- – Frederic Chopin: “Nature is pleased with simplicity”. …
- – Isaac Newton: “I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion.These three are your greatest treasure” …
- – Lao Tzu: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”