Word of the Day: Lalochezia
Are you guilty of doing this, too?
The word of the day is lalochezia. It’s a noun formed from the Greek lalia (speech) and chezo (to relieve oneself).
Maybe that’s where the term “potty mouth” came from??
I have been known to unleash a hearty string of f-bombs and other expletives. To be completely honest, it is, usually, quite satisfying.
Lalochezia: The use of foul or abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain, emotional release through swearing.
Lalochezia describes that moment when you’re so stressed out and angry that you start spurting out the foulest language possible to relieve stress and pain.
Yup, been there, done that…
I’m sure that a few deep restorative yoga breaths — some vital prana — is probably way more soul healing, but in some cases the venting of specific profanity MIGHT be nearly as invigorating.
I guess I have a ways to go before I enter the transcendent state of nirvana, or as my dad would say, “that’s not very ladylike, Rosebud, and I’m sure you can think of more appropriate language.”
Not always.
(graphic from pinterest)